You’ve likely seen her and her sweet dog, Ruby at the studio. Maybe you’ve even taken a Rogue class of hers or two. But even though she is an outgoing yogi who happens to be a classic over-sharer, there might be a thing or two you don’t know about Cal. Read below to find out more…
If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?
Someone Has To Do It
Moms, you get it!.
How long have you been practicing yoga?
27 years

What yoga pose(s) makes you happy?
Handstands. I LOVE being inverted. There is nothing like a handstand that makes you feel like a kid again. The simple act of getting upside down makes me so happy, joyful and full of play.
I also love any combo of poses strung together with a creative and unique transition. You want to wisk me away to planet yoga during a yoga class? String together multiple poses in a unique and creative way that takes me out of my head and into my body and I am in heaven.
Describe yourself in three words:
Cranky, Creative and Obsessively Driven
There’s 4 words. I don’t like to follow the rules very often.
What three items would you bring with you on a deserted island?
1. Wine
2. Chapstick
3. Coffee
In that order.
What's a pet peeve that you would make illegal if you could?
Slow walkers. I have a lot to do. So get those legs turning over and get out of my way so that I can conquer my day! Also, left left-lane-campers. I spend A LOT of time in my car as I live 30 minutes one-way from the studio. Just like slow walkers, I cannot stand slow drivers that clog up the fast left lane.

If you were to DJ your own life, what song or songs would you play in the background as you made your way through the day?
Oh, this is a hard one because I am a music junkie. Give me music all day and I’m a happy girl. Here’s a few of my favs: Change Your Mind by Sister Hazel, anything by Mumford & Songs especially Forever, Broken Crown or Ghosts That We Knew, pretty much anything by Illenium especially From The Ashes, Take You Down or The Sound of Walking Away, any Guns N Roses, Zach Bryan, Chris Stapleton, Pillar of Davidson by Live, Tougher Than The Rest by Bruce Springsteen, She Talks To Angels by The Black Crowes, Tom Petty’s Don’t Come Around Here No More, All The Feels by Fitz and The Tantrums, Victory by Diddy, What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong…the list could go on and on.
I don’t prescribe to one genre, I am just straight up obsessed with the feelings, emotions and sounds of good music. I am ALWAYS listening to music, and I never tire of my favorite songs.
One of the most important part of any class I write is finding the right music, the right vibe, the intention of the feeing behind the flow I write and pairing it to the right music. Music is a very important part of my life and my yoga practice.

What is your most used emoji?
It’s a tie between the Face Palm and the Happy Devil Face.
What is your favorite Knock-knock joke or silly/bad joke?
I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug.
Choose one famous person from history you want on your team during a zombie apocalypse.
He is fictional, but I’d love to have Rooster from Top Gun Maverick on my team during what I’d presume to be the end of the world. I would really like to enjoy my last moments on earth with a really hot guy. So why not be paired up with an attractive, funny, great smelling (I like to think) man with whom I could enjoy my run from zombies.

Are you sunrise, daylight, twilight or night? Why?
Night – I get my best work done late at night. When everyone else goes to bed, I can be left alone to write, create, flow or knock out a hefty project. It is not unusual for me to stay up working until 2 or 3 in the morning and then get up at 6:30am and be fresh and ready for the day. I sleep very little, and when I do it is fitfully and very light. This is likely why I fall asleep in yoga a lot.

What is a current trend that you don’t understand?
Twerking. My kids think it is funny and they do it all the time. I do not get it. Also, speaking in an accent when you don’t have one. My kids do this too. I am always confused. What is happening here? I blame YouTube.
What is something that you are really great at cooking?
Just kidding. But I am great at making cocktails, I bartended my way thru college. I love to BBQ. My favorite thing to BBQ is salmon and grilled veggies. Bonus points if I caught the salmon myself as I love to fly fish. I am also really great at making pasta. It’s always a hit. Add some roasted veggies and toasted cheesy sourdough bread and my family is always happy.

What made you want to become a Yoga Instructor?
The desire to want to be a yoga instructor started from necessity. I had two babies at home at the time and I wanted a part time job that brought me joy and paired my two great loves, teaching and fitness. Yoga had at that time been a part of my life for a long time already and I wanted a deeper expression of my practice as well. I knew from my coaching/training days as a lifetime athlete that there is nothing like the experience of coaching/guiding someone deeper into something that they didn’t know they were capable of. I was also so inspired by my favorite instructor, Tanya (yes, the Tanya that I now Co-Own Union with!) and her creativity that I knew I could find an outlet as well for creation and choreography and movement. I took a teacher training and began instructing right after. I fell in love instantly with the joy of watching people find their practice, their shapes, try things they didn’t know they could do and challenging students in new and creative ways. The teacher is never not the student. I have learned so much from teaching yoga and I never want to stop learning.

Do you have any other hobbies other than practicing yoga?
I love writing. Poetry mostly. But some short stories and it is a goal to write a book someday. I used to have a lot of fun hobbies such as bike racing, triathlons, painting, etc, but then I had kids…LOL. So my hobbies now include coaching youth sports, watching youth sports, driving kids to youth sports, paying for youth sports…you get the picture.
I love to fly fish. It is so peaceful. The pics in this blog are from fly fishing trips in Alaska with my Dad. Sight-fishing is my jam. Especially for Arctic Char, Greyling, Sockeye salmon and I have landed a King Salmon on the fly line before. It's a form of moving meditation that I find perfect for my crazy-busy mind.
My husband would probably tell you that mowing the lawn, weed-wacking or blowing the leaves is a favorite hobby of mine. Another moving meditation for me. I guess I can agree. I mow the lawn even if it doesn’t need it. It is very satisfying and we have acres of it. It is a great hobby for me because my riding lawn mower has a wicked powerful engine, I can mow fast in all terrain, plus it has three cup holders, so I can enjoy an ice cold bevy (or three) while I mow over hill and dale and practically sideways (you know this is the truth if you’ve ever seen our crazy steep driveway) on our acreage in Arlington. As a bonus I wear earplugs, so I can’t hear anyone and no one bothers me. ;)

If you were the captain of a pirate ship, what would be the name of your ship?
Without Care
Anything else? Is there a surprising fun fact you'd like to share?
My husband and I met in Kindergarten.
I love to work with power tools. My husband calls me, “Two-Stroke Cal.”
I love animals. My goal is to have a “misfit farm” someday full of animals that need a home and have been abandoned by humans. I have done a lot of foster work for a local animal shelter and I gravitate towards the most helpless animals. Animals in need of love and rescue tend to find me and I will take anything in and provide love and shelter. At one point during a foster period for NOAH, I had 15 cats in my home along with an additional 5 of my own and at the time, my two toddlers.

Animals bring me immense joy. I love them so much. I currently have three dogs; Ruby, River and Cedar, two cats; Smokey and Snugga, 26 chickens, 2 parakeets, 2 hamsters and a husband.

I have two amazing daughters, Torring and Rushlee and live out in the woods in Arlington in a home that my husband and I built together on a dream piece of property with a river running through it. BTW, if you have ever seen the movie by the same name, here’s my favorite quote from the film that made me want to own a swath of a river all my own, “Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of those rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs.”
