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Meet Kim: A Closer Look at Our April Instructor Spotlight!


We don’t get to have her as an instructor often, but we are sure glad when we do!

Kim has been practicing yoga for over 25 years and taught yoga for 15 years. She is Iyengar and Baptiste trained and really enjoys seeing her students grow as yogis in and out of the studio. We get to have Kim in class a lot and love her cool & calm energy & spirit. She is a wealth of knowledge on and off the mat. Learn more about Kim, her love of her dogs, her “real job” and some fun and quirky facts below.

If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be? Never Say Never

How long have you been practicing yoga?

I have been practicing yoga since tha late 90's. It's crazy to actually think that is over 25 years! Yoga is one thing that I have consistently prioritized in my life and I'm so grateful for it.

What made you want to become a yoga instructor?

I sort of fell into teaching yoga. I had been working at a studio and it was closing down, so one of the instructors opened her studio in Snohomish and she asked me to teach there. I was very lucky to work for her and her mentorship taught me so much.

What yoga pose(s) makes you happy? I consider myself a bit of a weirdo because revolved triangle is the pose that makes me the most happy. You can't beat having to balance, twist, and open your hamstrings all at one time.

Describe yourself in three words.

Crazy dog lady.

What three items would you bring with you on a deserted island?

My dogs (three count as one), sunscreen, and a book.

What's a pet peeve that you would make illegal if you could?

Loud chewing! It's drives me out of my mind.

If you were to DJ your own life, what song or songs would you play in the background as you made your way through the day?

As a full fledged Gemini my split personality comes out here and I can't pick one song or artist. Anything from either Beck or Rage Against the Machine.

What is your most used emoji?

Eye roll for sure.

What is your favorite Knock-knock joke or silly/bad joke?

I've got nothing for this one... I'm super boring.

Choose one famous person from history you want on your team during a zombie apocalypse.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg... She'd kick those zombies butt's while wearing her pearls.

Are you sunrise, daylight, twilight or night? Why?

Sunrise for sure! I love watching the world wake up and the promise of all that can happen. It's magical.

What is a current trend that you don’t understand?

Oh gosh, I don't really know. I don't pay attention to that stuff.

What is something you are really great at cooking?

If you asked my partner he'd say not much, but I cook some great chicken and broccoli which I could eat everyday.

What made you want to become a Yoga Instructor? How long have you been teaching?

I honestly didn't really make a decision to teach, it just sort of happened. Which is true for most things in my life. I've been teaching on and off for over 15+ years.

Do you have any other hobbies other than practicing yoga?

I'm an avid equestrian, but sold my horse a few years ago. I also hike and mountain bike with my partner, Thadd, and our three dogs.

If you were the captain of a pirate ship, what would be the name of your ship?

Probably, Argh Matey... anyone who said it while on boat would have to scrunch an eye or I'd make them walk the plank.

Anything else? Is there a surprising fun fact you'd like to share?

I can't really sit still for very long and anytime I stop something I have to start something else. Which makes completing things a little tricky when you're an A+ procrastinator. I also really love wine and wanted to learn more about it, so I started helping out at a local wine shop. It's super fun and I get paid with wine, I couldn't ask for more!

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