Why Rogue? What is the inspiration behind the newest class on the Union Yoga schedule? How does “going Rogue” apply to every class on the schedule? Read on to find out…
Tanya and Cal have always viewed their yoga classes as a place to challenge and change the shape of your practice; a kaleidoscope of shapes, transitions and sensations that might skew slightly off to the wilder side of yoga’s more traditional spectrum.

When given a chance to take over Union Yoga, they knew that they would have creative liberty over the weekly class schedule. The revamping of the Fall schedule reflected their desire to simplify the kinds of classes taught, while giving each instructor a broad brush with which to creatively construct their classes.
Every instructor that teaches at Union Yoga brings their own style and flavor to class. That is by design. In the hopes of serving the broadest possible swath of students and yogis, you will find a wonderfully skilled, and wildly unique variety of instructors on staff here at Union in the hope that each member, student and guest can find at least one instructor and style with whom they jive.
In addition to cultivating a colorful crew with many styles and personalities, each instructor knows that they have full creative liberty over their classes, music choices and personal flair without the fear of creativity dampening oversight. We trust our instructors fully and place a high value in what they can pass along to you thru their unique skill sets and personal knowledge base. We want each instructor to feel support in letting their full compliment of creativity soar; sharing their passion for their practice with all of you!
You might be surprised to learn that this is not necessarily the “industry standard.” Many studios believe in the exact opposite; they wish to mold their classes and their instructors into tight boxes of what is allowed and not allowed, their schedules and instructors reflecting these stricter and more rigid views.
We hope that you feel the passion each instructor has for what they do in every class that you take here at Union Yoga. We want our instructors to carry a little bit of “Rogue” in each of them. We hope that rogue spirit can also translate to you, as you are free to explore all the nuances of your yoga practice. There is no “one way” to practice yoga just as there is no “one way” to do anything in life. Practice yoga YOUR way. Be free to color outside the lines of your practice.
So why did we put a supersized Rogue class on the schedule?

During the pandemic shutdown, Tanya and Cal were craving a creative outlet when they couldn’t teach, create and flow together. On Sunday mornings they would get together for yoga playtime. They would take pictures, laugh, enjoy movement, record flows, and Go Rogue. They called themselves the Rogue Yogis, daring followers to take a Rogue-trip with them full of laughter, love and (slightly) inappropriate fun. Not only did this playtime further cement their friendship, it fortified their creative style and deepened their desire to grow in yoga together as a partnership.
And now, Union Yoga is daring you to take a Rogue trip with your practice too. These 75-minute classes are designed to tap into every aspect of what you know and love about yoga. Combining the dynamic flow of Power, optional arm balances, unique transitions, strength work and mindfully crafted choreography. These classes are all-levels, from the beginner to the experienced yogi. They are designed to challenge you to paint outside the lines of your traditional practice. Expect a flow that whisks you away from the outside world, dialing into the present moment while the class ebbs and flows between freedom, fitness and fun. You CAN do it. Let’s Go Rogue.
