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Getting to Know Tawni Dillon: Our February Instructor Spotlight

We hear it over and over again after each class she teaches, “that was sooo much fun!” We agree. Not only is Tawni a fun, bubbly and wonderful woman, she is a dynamic instructor and businesswoman as well. We are so lucky to have her at Union and if you haven’t taken her Friday morning Strength class…what are you waiting for?! Tawni has been an esthetician for 22 years and owns and operates Tawni Dillon Es

thetics. So not only can she make your skin look and feel gorgeous, she can make your arms, legs, booty and core strong and powerful too. Read on to learn more…

If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?

Eccentric Upbringing for a Colorful Life. A memoir

How long have you been practicing yoga?

Since about 2005

What made you want to become a yoga instructor?

I actually always had dreams of becoming a yoga instructor but never took the leap, when I was asked to audition to become a Barre instructor I was hesitant but went forward & eventually found my rhythm.

What yoga pose(s) makes you happy?

Supine twist & all warriors.

Describe yourself in three words.

Resilient, Driven & Sincere

What three items would you bring with you on a deserted island?

Chapstick, Books & Sunscreen (I had to! I’m an Esthetician!! Haha)

If you were to DJ your own life, what song or songs would you play in the background as you made your way through the day?

Bittersweet Symphony

What is your most used emoji?

Pink heart!!

What is your favorite Knock-knock joke or silly/bad joke?

What did the Mermaid wear to math class??


Choose one famous person from history you want on your team during a zombie apocalypse.

James Bond

Are you sunrise, daylight, twilight or night? Why?

Sunrise is my favorite, it feels so magical! Perhaps it’s romanticized in my mind because I very rarely see it. I LOVE to sleep!!

What is a current trend that you don’t understand?

TikTok influencers

What is something you are really great at cooking?

Shepherds pie

What made you want to become a Yoga Instructor? How long have you been teaching?

I’ve been teaching since 2016

Do you have any other hobbies other than practicing yoga?

YES! I love gardening, our vegetable garden keeps me busy! I really enjoy cooking. Decorating our 1910 home is always in the works. Stand up paddling, amateur kite boarder (my husband taught me) & being first mate when we’re out boating!

If you were the captain of a pirate ship, what would be the name of your ship?

The Aquarius

Anything else? Is there a surprising fun fact you'd like to share?

I’m from San Diego. The city I grew up in is the southern most beach town on the California coast. My childhood home was 11 miles from the border. You could see Tijuana from my bedroom window. I moved to WA my senior year of high school.

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